Myths About Slipped Disc
August 18, 2020 Bouts of back pain are common with up to 80% of people worldwide experiencing back pain at some point in their life. Most episodes are a result of minor problems such as a strained muscle, ligament and usually resolve soon. Less than 1 in 20 cases of sudden onset back pain are due to a slip disc and are often inappropriately managed. Here are some myths about slipped disc. Myth #1: Discs slip out of place The name slipped disc is a misnomer as the disc does not slip out of place. It is firmly supported in its place surrounded by strong ligaments on both sides. The discs have a tough outer layer that surrounds a jelly-like material in the centre. Slipped disc is used to refer to a condition where the disc looses its shape and/or consistency and either the central jelly-like material of the disc leaks or bulges out. In medical terminology other terms such as degeneration, bulging, protrusion, extrusion and sequestration are used to refer to varying magnitudes of the...